Monday, September 27, 2010

Lisa's Hounds

Imagine if you will...knocking on the door and at least 7 fur babies come running---barking their heads off and ready to swap sloppy, slobbery kisses with you and play--this is a day in the life of Lisa. These aren't Lisa's dogs...they are her kids. Granted, none of them share the same mother and father, they along with their loving mom, are a family all the same!

I was lucky enough to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon with my friend and some of her "hounds", as she calls them, and it was pure bliss.  She called to say that two of her gang are old and not doing so good and she wanted some current pictures.  Besides the Schnauzers, she also has a teacup chihuahua, a scruffy mix, and a labradoodle......what a hodgepodge of breeds! But, like all fun and admirable families, it's their diversity that makes them fun!

Both of the older pups are doing good and fighting their health battles like little troupers. Attribute their good fight to the veterinarian or whatever you'd like but I'd like to say they fight so hard because they are living a life of heaven right here on earth. They are loved, enjoyed and valued beyond measure.

This is Simba...he is battling diabetes and is blind but he is one happy and loved little fellow.

This is Moe, she has too is blind and battling multiple health issues

and I could not help but post some of the other babies ...this is Rufus..the labradoodle

and Skip (if you can figure out what his mix is we would love to hear it).

Thanks Lisa for letting me spend time with you and your hounds. You can't leave their home without thinking to yourself that they really are a great bunch.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A whole new world

This is my first foray into the world of blogging so what better place to start than a new beginning?

I am associated with a wonderful group of Lab rescuers called (oddly enough) Life is Lab Rescues( Having three labs of my own, I have a fondness for the gentle fools.

I was lucky enough to transport a needy fellow from North Carolina to Georgia. I picked him up in Lumberton, NC and he was afraid of every noise he heard. He would barely look at me and had to be bribed with food just to look at my phone for his first shots....

Well, 6 hours later when I dropped him off, he was giving me kisses and wagging his tail. I'm pretty sure that we're now friends for life. As he's running across a field playing with his new human one day, he's going to think back about the crazy lady who drove him across a few states and who sang horribly out of tune. At least, I hope that's what he'd be nice if he thought that I had a pretty singing voice but I heard myself on a voicemail once and let's just say that he's most likely not going to go in that direction.

I am not sure whose life was more touched by the trip, his or mine. All I do know is that I met a little guy with a big heart who just needed a little TLC. Here are a couple of shots before I left him as the rescue faciltiy.

Shot of Levi and I just chilling for a while before I left him.

Good Luck Levi and thanks for the great ride.